Things That you Should Check When Moving into a New Build Home

A newly built property is appealing to many people. Like a fresh blank canvas that hasn’t ever been lived in before, it is yours to do what you want with.

However, before you move into your brand-new home, there are some things that you should check to ensure that all goes smoothly. Here are some of the things to do before you move in…

Take Measurements – First of all you are going to need to know the dimensions of the rooms as well as things like the windows to ensure that you get furniture that fits. Wait until the contracts have been exchanged to do this, as you don’t want to buy anything before that time, but once the contracts have been exchanged, go and take the measurements for things like furniture as well as the window measurements so that you can buy curtains or blinds that fit.

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Get your Services Set up – With a new property you will need to get all of your services installed and set up. Do this as soon as you can, as there is often a wait for this to be done. Things like the internet need to be set up as well as your television. Most of the time, a new home will not have an aerial installed, so you will need to get someone like this TV aerial repair Cheltenham based company to come and do this for you.

Get a Snagging Survey – Before the purchase is completed you should get a snagging survey done on your new home. Check with the company that is building it, as some will not allow it to be done until it has been completed, but get it done before you move in, as that way you will be able to find any issues and get them dealt with beforehand.

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Make sure your Postcode is Registered – You need to have a post code so that you can get the post sent to you. The building company is responsible for setting this up with Royal Mail but do check before you move in that this has been done. Not having a postcode causes issues with things like deliveries, as well as with getting insurance on your home.