A pharmacist: Career profile

Have you ever considered a career in pharmacy? Check out the information below to find out more. Pharmacy is a fast-growing and exciting area of healthcare. Pharmacists are experts in medicine and work to advise and dispense medication in various settings, both for the NHS and privately. Image credit Individuals who choose pharmacy as a…

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How to Treat Minor Burns

Minor burns can be treated with first aid by applying cold water for a minimum of 20 minutes before applying a moisturizing lotion, such as petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel. You can also apply an antibiotic ointment or cream. Make sure to wrap the burn well to avoid contact with other surfaces and avoid…

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What is COPD and its treatment options

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder is an umbrella term for a number of respiratory conditions that include chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Both of these conditions cause problems with an individual’s breathing. It is important that those who are diagnosed with either of these conditions are supported with their symptoms and in finding ways to…

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