Things to do in the Garden Over the Winter

Over the winter we tend not to give much thought to the garden. The cold and damp mean that we are not going to want to spend much time outdoors and there is not much growing in the garden at the moment, as even the latest summer blooms have gone over, and the trees have shed all of their leaves ready for the colder days of winter.

There are lots of things that can be done in the garden at this time of the year however – here are some things to think about doing in your garden before the spring…

Plant Bulbs – Although not much is growing now, this is the time to get things ready for the spring. A lot of the magic happens under the ground and the early blooming spring plants that appear start growing at the end of the winter. Iris and tulip bulbs can be planted at this time of the year, ready for some beautiful floral displays when the spring arrives.

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Protect Against Storms – Something that comes with the winter is the bad weather, and sometimes the weather can get very wild at this time of the year. From freezing temperatures to strong winds, this can wreak havoc on the garden if you are not prepared for it.

Make sure that your garden is up to the challenge and can face all that winter has to throw at it. Check your fence is sturdy and strong – if it isn’t, then now is a good time to get a professional like this fencing Cheltenham based company to replace it for you.

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You also need to make sure that any delicate plants that are vulnerable to the cold are safe and protected as best you can. If you have anything in the garden that could be at risk of being blown around, either put it inside in a shed or garage, or secure it to the ground.

Make it Wildlife Friendly – This is a tough time of year for wildlife, but there are lots of things that you can do to help the wildlife in your garden. Provide food and water for garden birds that will be struggling to find it naturally, and for animals that need to shelter from the cold and wet provide areas where they can do this.