Keeping your home safe and secure

When it comes to keeping your home safe and secure and ensuring that you don’t get any unwanted visitors rifling through your belongings, it can seem like a bit of a mine field of advice and equipment.  There are a lot of different solutions available, that suit all homes and budget types, that can make your home unattractive to those burglars looking for a quick in to your home. Here are the two steps that you should look at when it comes to keeping your home safe and secure.


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Window & Door Locks

This might seem like an obvious way to keep your home locked away from burglars but many people forget to lock their windows at night or when they pop out for a few minutes. You should ensure that you have any locks fitted by a professional company and if you find that your locks become inoperable that you consult with a Locksmith in Dublin or one local to you. It is important when you look at the locks available that you check your home insurance documents as some policies will specify minimum requirements for both window and door locks. If you neglect to follow these recommendations you could find that your policy becomes invalid, should have you to make a claim following a break in. When it comes to window locks you want to ensure that these are fitted professionally in the same way as door locks. If you have moved into a property that does not have locks installed on the windows, don’t panic. You won’t necessarily have to buy new windows. In most cases locks can be retrofitted to the windows to give you the added level of security. You should also have window locks installed on the upper levels of your home to give you peace of mind, although most burglaries occur from the ground floor and usually from a window that has been left open.

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Security Alarms

If you have all the locks correctly installed on your windows and doors, you may be wondering what else you can do to keep your home secure. A security alarm or burglar alarm is not only great in the event of a break in but is also a wonderful deterrent. These alarms work with motion detectors that are placed on the front door and in some cases the rear entrance to the property as well as around the ground floor level. These motion detectors trigger the alarm if movement is noticed from within the property after the alarm has been set. Again when it comes to your insurance policy you need to make sure that you set your alarm each time you leave your home as neglecting to do so can invalidate your insurance policy.